Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reality Check

In a world where there is no sadness and little thought, where do addiction and mental illness lie? There are a host of teachers now who offer me bliss, and of my choosing. I choose to commit to chaos or joy. My choice. How does that work out in the playing? We have the game prep and then we have the super bowl itself. Of what role is biochemistry? I ask no questions and have few answers? I merely observe the daily walk. Sounds good. Now where?
Are addictions and diagnoses of mental illness imaginings of our time? Pia Mellody, Kay Redfield Jamison, Patrick Carnes, Melody Beattie are good people to read to start with.

Thomas Szasz says mental illness is a myth. Pharmaceutical companies in consort with insurance companies and the medical industry in America, and the world, have a controlling input into the formation of our culture, in the fundament of our thinking and believing. Where are we? Doesn't matter. Mind your own
business. Tend to my own. Really?

The Master commanded the host of demons - mental illness? addictions? - to leave the young man and they went into the swine and off the edge. The Master said "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." And they left her alone. The Master sat next to the Samaritan woman, both not done in that culture, and read her life to her and forgave her, saying "Go your way and sin no more." Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.

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