Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Chakra Blockages

A small and talented third grader was often egregiously taunted and hurt at recess. She passed her limit and went to a nearby playground to search her older cousin. She asked for stearoids and karate lessons and training in multiple languages and skills in subterfuge. After some time away from her playground she returned and vanquished her aggressors. However, something happened to her and she herself became a bully. Neither her cousin nor her cousins friends asked her to stop nor did they appeal to the school administration. They, after all, had set her up and she in turn has them set up.

In 1948, David Ben Gurion began an insurgency to secure what he and his followers call his rightful land. They had been persecuted for thousands of years and were bound to return to the prophetically promised land. Palestine had been under the aegis of the British Empire for many years and in the Balfour Declaration a less than equitable arrangement was made.

Since then there have been numerous conflicts, persistent, brutal, egregious wrongs against humanity. They largely, imo, are a third graders war: my Daddy sings to God better than your Daddy, I was here first, no you weren't this is my land, you started it, no you started it.

Whether there is some sort of arm-twisting based in high American industrialists banking deals with certain German manufacturers during the 30's, e.g. I.G. Farben and Bayer, America is currently hostage to Israel. We cannot even publicly utter that Israel is the only country in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons. We cannot question Ariel Sharon's invasion of refuge camps or whether the IDF went over the top in Gaza just prior to the innauguration of Mr. Obama. We have supplied weapons beyond belief and hoards of money to various and sundry Israeli governments. We have never said no.

Melody Beattie, Marianne Williamson, Pia Mellody, Nelson Mandela, and many other people now currently alive have stated, and live in a fashion which upholds their beliefs and faith, that there is a way to live which moves beyond the incessant conflict that is inherent in the world of the first chakra - in the world where I alone am right, where my family will be protected no matter what may befall me or them or anyone else, where my country is always right without fail, where my ideology is the only ideology and if you aren't on board then you are a reprobate.

Saudi Arabia has proposed a two state solution, including the idea that Jerusalem would be honored as the Holy City that it is, as a City of Peace where all could worship under the protection of an international governing body and peace keeping force.

it looks to me that it is too late. And that the only recourse I have is to mind my own business and accept what comes as I am powerless over others and their bondage. I can only address my own fear of family dissolution and conflict, my own aggression and self absorption.

However, as a step into and out of uncertainty I propose a musical peace mission, where somehow some people will find a location or locations and the means of invitation and protection whereby musicians of different cultures and nations can play before audiences of 'their enemies' before we proceed with the slaughter. Robert McNamara, of all people, in the first chapter of his phenomenal book Argument without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy says in the 20th Century 120 million people perished in war and we must find a better way to resolve conflict.

Bring Iranian and Iraqi and Afghanistani musicians to Saratoga Performing Arts Center, or Oakland Coliseum, or somewhere(s) - figure it out. Bring Bruce Springsteen, Pat Metheny, the Blind Boys of Alabama, Shakira, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson to Teheran, Kabul, Baghdad.

You say I'm a dreamer. That overpopulation is the real problem. Unchecked and unbridled lust and greed and pride. Maybe so.

Sharing music would be a good start at change.
As would acknowledging that Israel has nukes, including in subs.
As would acknowledging that the USA is the only nation to have used nuclear weapons, and that we as a nation regret having killed so many people at one time. It would be healing for our culture and maybe slow down the rampant speed and greed that is choking us.

There are other chakras past self identity. Freedom awaits. Farms first.

Photos: Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade.

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